I am convinced that a not too distant generation will one day look back at us during this time and ask, ‘why did you stop just short of us in your journey?’. At that point, we will be, inexcusable.
Will we allow our need to rest – assured that we are first in line when it is time to claim a share of everyone’s basic right – impede our progress? The first should have been last, and the last, first.
This would be the case, if we had come full circle. Will forgiveness find purchase at the crossroads of faith and hope – for anyone that draws a breath – so that humankind may be made, in complete?
Additionally, a fuller understanding would have brought us into a world where one’s wealth was intrinsic to their unselfish contributions to the advancement of all. Without this link, we live in fear of having it taken away and allowing the unjust to rule the world. It is war. Within.
The transition to counter clockwise is precious momentum. The factor, after all, was time. A hasty retreat to forgiven is as the speed of lightening – without the implosion or narrowed mind the self-centered heart seeks.
July 18, 2017