The Blender

To a Fault

Dealing with identity

chris barbalis on unsplash

You identify with this, I identify with that. But then something happens and suddenly, I identify as this, and you identify as that. And then, we’re at war. Great! Now what?

Reflect on what it is that you identify as to a fault. Conservative or liberal, rich or poor, gay or straight, white or of color, democrat or republican? Communist or capitalist, maybe even socialist? Sunni? Shia? Christian? Jew? Hindu, Buddhist, or Sikh? Or, none of the these at all ? This list could be bottomless, making the divisions among us endless.

eyes of the beholder
maria darii on unsplash


..if your identity with a faith is going to undermine our relationship- simply because your teachers taught, but abandoned you before you found true peace in understanding

Quoting verses does not, in itself, animate them. Their misapplication is a disservice to others who practice your faith. I would prefer to read them myself- and love you anyway.

..if your identity as an activist is going forfeit the next generation’s opportunity to recognize both the attraction to- and utter horror of- followers marching in support of a cause, unchecked

Passionate displays can be awe inspiring – but when hijacked, can go terribly wrong. I feel your enthusiasm, but only when you are harmless. Or better yet, helpful.

turning a blind eye
edited photo by clem onojeghuo on unsplash

When the militant denies that you grasp that there is too much masculinity at the table.. when another cannot accept the fact that you love them despite their expectation of wrath.. when the poor or wealthy feel themselves to be unapproachable, the fault should be assigned to whom it belongs.

Perspectives have not necessarily been compromised, yet we’re stuck in an unforgiving limbo, waiting for the reasoning behind the confusion to be recognized.

edited photo by shamim nakhaei on unsplash

Home, in stead

Our individual identities serve a forgivable purpose. We should leave it at that. But, we can’t. So, let’s make them useful. Let them be considered as garments.

Please, come in. Take off your coat and stay awhile. For a moment, let’s just identify as human. Allow me the honor of entertaining the beauty reflected by your soul, not by the mirror that would lie to us both.

Originally posted on Medium, it a can remain ignored here.